Waverly Senior High School
Waverly is an urban public high school that serves approximately 1,020 students in Lansing, MI.
Why Global Education?
“What do kids need to do when they leave high school? How do we get our kids in those types of jobs where they will be making important decisions? It’s by being globally aware and being able to deal with diverse situations. The more the world becomes a smaller place, students need to be comfortable in cross-cultural, diverse situations. That is one of the most important things a kid can do.”
– Mr. Chris Huff, Principal
Key Practices
Shared Mission and Vision
- Put global activities into an intentional and strategic framework.
- Persuaded other stakeholders that today’s students need global competence to thrive in college and careers.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Creates collaborative time for professional development by starting school two hours late every two weeks, so that teachers can work on issues that interest them. The global learning group is the largest of the collaborative groups.
Global Connections and Collaboration
- Cultivates teacher leadership as key to integrating global competence into the school by “just saying yes” to teacher ideas, encouraging motivated teachers to integrate global education into their class, and providing them a platform to share their global experiences.
Advocacy and Community Engagement
- Participates in local cross-cultural learning exchanges by inviting visitors to the school to share global perspectives and seeking connections in the local community.
Equity and Inclusivity
- Invites community members to participate in school events and activities, including those from the Rotary Club and Michigan State University. Emphasized the school’s diverse student body as a positive, so that the school community says proudly: “Waverly’s a diverse place where people learn about different cultures and different language.”