
We are constantly updating and adding to our resources list. If you have a resource to recommend, please contact us.

I’m interested in resources for:

Organization/Resources Description

Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching

Information about opportunities for student teaching outside the United States. Learn more >

Educators Abroad

Resources on global student teaching and other international experiences for teachers. Learn more >

Global Teacher Education

Ensuring that U.S. teachers are properly trained to prepare our young people to cope and thrive in a globally-connected world. By partnering with colleges of education and professional bodies in the education and teacher preparation spaces, GTE supports the internationalization of teacher preparation programs by connecting professionals, as well as advancing and disseminating research and best practices. Learn more >

Indiana University Global Gateway

Overseas student teaching opportunities (for students in Indiana University’s School of Education) and overseas practicum experiences for experienced teachers. Learn more >

K-16 and IFLE: Teacher Development and Resource Delivery Today

A research report by Caitlin Haugen and Jennifer Manise on internationalizing teacher preparation written spring 2014. Learn more >

Michigan State University's College of Education

Resources to support global learning provided through the Global Educators Cohort Program, the Partnership to Prepare Global and International Educators. Learn more >

To Leave No Teacher Behind: Building International Competence into the Undergraduate Training of K-12 Teachers

A research report by Ann Imlah Schneider on internationalizing teacher preparation. Learn more >

University of Maryland, College Park, College of Education’s Global Awareness in Teacher Education (GATE) Program

A professional development program for College of Education faculty to promote curriculum and program reform to prepare teachers to become global educators. Learn more >