GTE Fellows


The goal of the GTE Fellows Program is to provide support for select U.S. teacher educators to design Global Learning Classrooms for their teacher candidates and to contribute to a broader network of teacher educators interested in this topic.

Application is open now for 2025-26 cohort. Apply here.

These teacher candidates impacted by the fellows in this program will, in the long run, create Global Learning Classrooms for their own pK-12 students. The program was originated at Global Teacher Education and transitioned to Longview in 2018.

The GTE fellows are teacher educators who represent a diverse range of expertise. They work in private teaching colleges as well as large public research institutions across the country. The GTE Mentors are experts in teacher education and global learning and each has been working throughout this academic year to support the revision of his/her Fellow’s course.

Over the Fall  and Spring semester, each fellow will redesign a course for initial teacher candidates that incorporates global learning outcomes supported by a deeper understanding of global competence, assessments, technology, and pedagogical practices. Fellows have been tasked with creating complementary resources, a module, and a video case. Materials will be made available to future teacher educators and teacher candidates.

Under the mentorship of experts in the field of global learning, each of the selected fellows will revise an undergraduate or graduate course which they teach in an initial teacher preparation program. The revised course will include global learning outcomes that will be enacted through engaging activities, resources, and assessments aimed at promoting global learning. Fellows will then pilot and assess the revised course with a class of their own teacher candidates during the academic year.

GTE Fellows are:

  • Committed to global learning;
  • Able to commit to attend monthly meetings and commit to the rigors of the program;
  • Engaged with a full time teaching load during the academic year which includes at least two teacher education courses in an initial teacher preparation program;
  • Able to teach a revised undergraduate or graduate teacher education course that incorporates global learning outcomes and accompanying activities, resources, and assessments;
  • Supported by their respective Dean or Department Chair.

More detail on the expectations of the fellows program is available in this description. After successful completion of the program, fellows may be invited to mentor the next cadre of Fellows and participate in an alumni network of Fellows in years to come.

At the conclusion of the program, each Fellow will receive a stipend of $2,500 for having completed all work associated with the Program some of which should be used toward professional development funds for a conference presentation related to the Fellowship.

You can meet the most recent cohort of GTE Fellows in this section of the website.

Learn more about Internationalization of Teacher Education in this Self-Reflection Survey Report.