Grants Awarded

The Longview Foundation funds education activities in:
State Networks on International Education, Internationalizing Teacher Preparation, and Innovations in International Education.

View full listing of grantees >
Organization Program Area Amount Year Grant Description

Appalachian State University

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



For a program to bring together the university's Teaching Fellows and international exchange students to learn about world regions and cultures and develop programs for local K-12 schools. Learn more >

East Carolina University College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To support internationalization of pre-service teacher education through curriculum modifications, training of academic advisors, professional development for faculty, and international experiences for future teachers. Learn more >

Indiana University Center for Social Studies and International Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



For a program that will use interactive communication technology to link students teaching abroad with international graduate students on campus, other teacher education students and K-12 students and their teachers in local schools. Learn more >

University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To support strategic planning to internationalizing the teacher preparation program and a pilot collaborative summer teaching program with Sri Lankan educators. Learn more >

University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To support the implementation of a new global perspectives requirement in the School of Education and the research to study its impact. Learn more >

Wheelock College

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



For "Fostering Global Citizenship in Pre-Service Teacher Education", a project designed to build awareness of the importance of incorporating international content into teacher preparation and develop a network of teacher educators, administrators and policy makers committed to doing so in the practice, research and policy arenas. Learn more >

Michigan State University College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To internationalize teacher preparation by infusing global content into required courses for students and seminars for faculty; to develop a resource collection and website and create a network of educators dedicated to international education in Michigan. Learn more >

Michigan State University College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To develop the Global Educators Program for a cohort of pre-service teachers to build their skills to teach global knowledge and perspectives through a dedicated advisor, internationally themed general education courses, revised teacher preparation courses, and internationally themed field experiences in the US and abroad. Learn more >

University of Maryland College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



For the "Global Awareness in Teacher Education (GATE) Fellows Program" designed to enhance faculty involvement and understanding of global education, develop curriculum and practicum options for pre-service teachers, encourage collaboration across disciplines, with other universities and classroom teachers throughout the state. Learn more >

University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To support course revisions and faculty professional development to build global perspectives into teaching credential course syllabi, and document and disseminate findings on quality global education throughout the university and other institutions. Learn more >

University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To support course revisions and faculty professional development to build global perspectives into teaching credential course syllabi, and document and disseminate findings on quality global education throughout the university and other institutions. Learn more >

University of Maryland College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



For a second year of funding for the Global Awareness Teacher Education (GATE) Fellows program to develop a critical mass of faculty committed to internationalizing their teaching for pre-service teachers. Learn more >

University of North Carolina Charlotte College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To begin systematic internationalization of teacher education curriculum by developing international modules for key required courses, creating field experiences in schools with a strong international focus, and enhancing opportunities for international collaboration. Learn more >

University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To build partnerships between the university and K-12 schools to integrate field experiences from internationally themed schools and classrooms into teacher education including student teaching, internships, video case studies and online resources. Learn more >

Rutgers University Graduate School of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



For internationalization of the Graduate School of Education through the Teaching the World Fellows program. Learn more >

The California State University, Long Beach

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



This project redesigns required courses for ITEP students that emphasize international understanding and global awareness, provides professional development for faculty teaching the ITEP students regarding learning projects that enhance global understanding, and encourage the use of global resources, such as Ellluminate. Learn more >

University of Maryland College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



For Principal Learn more >

Kent State University (w/Miami Ohio and Akron)

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Internationalizing Perspectives and Practices in Teacher Education: Developing a Collaborative Model for Ohio. A collaborative project with Kent State University, University of Miami, Ohio, and Akron University. Year 1 Learn more >

American University & George Mason University

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Global Teacher Education Collaborative in Collaboration with George Mason University Awards faculty mini-grants to internationalize master's level coursework, engages faculty in professional development and to promote international activities. Learn more >

Kent State University

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Internationalizing Perspectives and Practices in Teacher Education: Developing a Collaborative Model for Ohio. A collaborative project with Kent State University, University of Miami, Ohio, and Akron University. Year 2 Learn more >


Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To support the development of a colloquium on Internationalizing Teacher Education and the development of a cultural assessment tool. Learn more >

Rutgers University Graduate School of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Teaching the World: Internationalizing Teacher Education through Local and Global Partnerships Creating a statewide model and network for internationalizing teacher education. Learn more >

North Carolina State University College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



State_wide effort to determine knowledge, infrastructure, and policy opportunities and barriers to implementing internationalization of teacher education strategies. Learn more >

Research Foundation for State University System of New York

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



SUNY teacher education integration with SUNY Levin Institute Learn more >

Rutgers University Graduate School of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Teaching the World: Internationalizing Teacher Education through Local and Global Partnerships Creating a statewide model and network for internationalizing teacher education. Learn more >

University of Maryland*

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To assess the effectiveness and impact of Longview funded internationalization efforts at the UMD College Park in order to provide an example of how Longview grants can serve as a catalyst for change. Learn more >

University of Florida

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Prepares preservice teachers to use technology to develop global awareness for themselves and their future students and promotes global understanding among in-service classroom educators across the state of Florida. Learn more >

University of Kansas

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Increase global competence in teacher education programs in public and private universities in Kansas. Learn more >

Kent State University

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To Internationalize Career Technical Education Teacher Preparation Learn more >

Marymount University

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



To internationalize special education coursework and to support Special Education Teacher PD Conference Learn more >

Ohio University

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Developing Globally Competent Teachers through Cross-Cultural Experiential Learning: Support the design and enactment of community based cross‐ cultural experiential learning for preservice teachers and development and dissemination of global education resources and PD opportunities for teachers and higher ed faculty. Learn more >

Global Teacher Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Global Scholars Fellowship Program: Establish a pilot cohort of 8 globally aware pre‐service professors who can integrate global perspectives into their coursework, create open source resources for the field and serve as future ambassadors for GTE. Learn more >

Indiana University College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Infusing Global Perspectives in K-16 Education across Indiana: Aims to infuse global perspectives in the curricula and programs for Indiana University School of Ed preservice teachers and faculty members as well as K-12 principals across Indiana. Learn more >

Michigan State University College of Education

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Digital Badging for Global Teacher Learning: Develop a framework of digital credentialling for pre-service and in-service global educators Learn more >

Avila/Ottawa Universities MO and KS

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Promoting Internationalization of Teacher Education: Curricular Reform Through Faculty Development: Implement a regional global faculty development program where participants will: Participants will: 1. Demonstrate awareness of resources (information, sample lessons, sample courses) available for incorporating global perspectives into teacher education courses. 2. Describe ideas for how to revise one or more courses to add or improve on global perspective development elements. 3. Reflect on their learning and on their experience with teaching their newly revised course Learn more >

Radford University Radford, VA

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



World Ready Education in Rural Communities: Provide supports for Communities of Practice and develop a web-based clearinghouse of educational resources focused on the needs of pre-service and practicing teachers as they work to develop global competencies and enhance global perspectives for their students in uniquely challenging rural settings. Learn more >

University of Missouri, St Louis

Internationalizing Teacher Preparation



Internationalizing Teacher Education in St. Louis and Beyond Prep work in St. Louis area-Similar grant to what we did in Indiana using courses, seminars and communities of practice Learn more >

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